Explore the wandering stars... Thousands of years of observation has provided information about the Sun, Moon and planetary interactions in the sky and the correlation with events here on Earth. What happens in the heavens acts as a “cosmic mirror” ... “as above, so below.“ Providing insights, clarity and discoveries, astrology helps one to understand one's strengths as well as challenges, which can be helpful in being prepared for the "cosmic weather." |
Astro Convos (Chart Consultations)
Birth Chart & Natal Report
Transit Report The Big 3 - Sun, Moon & Ascendant Your Elemental Signature Flower Remedies and your Planets Profections Zodiacal Releasing |
Astro-Conversations can be in person or done remotely.
Your full birthdate, time of birth and location are necessary to fully explore your chart |
Disclaimer: All information is for educational purposes only. This information does not replace professional counseling or other licensed professional services. If you are seeking medical, legal, financial or any other professional advice or service, please reach out to a qualified professional.
Prices effective April 1, 2024
Prices effective April 1, 2024