Flower Essences
Bach Flowers
for Natural Stress Management Bach Flower Remedies or Flower Essences, are a safe, simple, complementary therapy system that work by acting at the emotional level. A self-use system, they are non-habit forming and safe to use with children, pregnant women, the elderly, even pets and plants. About the Flower Essences
"...It is our fears, our cares, our anxieties and suchlike that open the path to the invasion of illness." - Dr. Edward Bach In the 1930s, Dr. Edward Bach, a medical doctor, bacteriologist and homeopath, discovered and formalized the system of 38 flower remedies. Each of the 38 Bach Flowers is associated with a basic human emotion. Some flower essences may be used to resolve transient or short-term moods, while others may be used for more chronic or long-term states. "Rescue Remedy", a mixture of five flower remedies, is useful for times of acute stress. Up to seven of the individual remedies may be combined at a time, creating over 200 million possible combinations. A complementary therapy, Bach Flowers are considered a vibrational or energy therapy and are safe to use in conjunction with other therapies, medications, herbs or homeopathy. They are non-habit forming and safe to use with children, pregnant women, the elderly, pets and even plants. Today, these gentle remedies are used world-wide and are sold in over 66 countries. Dr. Bach believed in treating the individual, not the disease or its symptoms. He developed this simple system to be used on a self-help basis, but many find it helpful to consult with a practitioner when selecting their Flower Essences. |
Developed as a self-use/self-discovery system, many find it helpful to consult with a practitioner. A consultation provides information about how to use the Bach Flowers and includes:
Initial consultation In addition to helping you select your personal Bach Flowers, the consultation provides an overview of the flower essences and how to use them. Allow approximately an hour for the initial consultation......$75 Bach Flowers & Astrology Let's take a look at your Astrological birth chart and use it to help you select your Bach Flowers. In addition, the the consultation provides an overview and how to use them. Allow approximately an hour for the consultation......$75 Follow-up consultation A follow-up consultation takes about 30 minutes. It provides the opportunity to discuss how the Bach Flowers are working, answer any questions about the remedies, and help you select new remedies if needed......$40 Consultations are available in person or by phone, FaceTime or email. For more information or to schedule, please call 641-224-2577. |